About Fides

Formed in 2014, Fides Insurance Group, Inc. is a captive insurance company owned and controlled by those it insures.

Participation in Fides Insurance Group gives our members financial control and the ability to manage risks by underwriting our own insurance rather than paying premiums to third-party insurers.

Advantages of a Captive

  • Coverage tailored to meet your needs
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Improved cash flow
  • Increased coverage and capacity
  • Investment income to fund losses
  • Direct access to wholesale reinsurance markets
  • Funding and underwriting flexibility
  • Greater control over claims
  • Smaller deductibles for operating units
  • Additional negotiating leverage for underwriters
  • Incentives for loss control
  • Tremendous flexibility in managing risk

About Our Logo

Fides means “faith” in Latin, and the Fides logo represents the founding principles of the organization, as well as its Catholic identity.

  • The ship’s mast forms the cross, a sign of Christ’s sacrificial love for us.
  • The ship on the sea represents the Barque of St. Peter, the symbol of the universal Catholic church and its continuous outreach to others.
  • The ship is guided by the 8-pointed Marian star. As Mary guides us to her son Jesus and watches over all of our endeavors, it is our prayer that the Blessed Mother will guide us as we seek to serve you, our members, in this new insurance venture.